stolzer Parking Systems -
Quality made by STOPA

STOPA Anlagenbau GmbH
STOPA Anlagenbau GmbH
Industriestrasse 12
77855 Achern-Gamshurst
Phone: +49 7841 704-0
Fax: +49 7841 704-190
represented by
Managing partner: Michael Stolzer
Managing directors: Edgar Börsig, Edgar Mörtl
Registered office of the company: Achern
Register court Mannheim HRB 712723
Value added tax identification number: DE 141 875 882
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All texts, images, graphics, animations, videos, sounds and other contents of this website and their arrangement are protected by copyright and other protective laws. No reproduction, modification or use of the aforementioned content in other electronic or printed publications is permitted without the prior consent of STOPA Anlagenbau GmbH. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are protected by trademark law, in particular STOPA trademarks, logos, emblems and type plates.
General Terms and Conditions / Terms of Delivery
The STOPA Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Quality Assurance Agreement are the cornerstone for smooth cooperation with our suppliers.
Germany: For business with German customers, delivery is subject to retention of title and our terms and conditions in accordance with VDW 502. Our shipping conditions comply with INCOTERMS 2010.
Outside Germany: For transactions outside Germany, delivery is subject to retention of title and to our terms and conditions in accordance with VDW 502. Our shipping conditions comply with INCOTERMS 2010.