stolzer Parking Systems -
Quality made by STOPA
Although we may already be able to answer your question with our FAQ, we would also be happy to speak to you in person!
The driver enters the transfer room, which is equipped with a parking pallet embedded in the floor. The vehicle is parked on this parking pallet. Sensors check whether it is parked correctly. As soon as the customer leaves the transfer room and confirms the parking process by pressing a button on the parking terminal, the parking pallet is moved to a parking space from underneath the transfer room. As soon as the customer requests the vehicle, it is returned to the transfer room. The transfer room opens and the user can drive out.
Experience the ultimate in convenience with our automated parking system. Simply drive your vehicle into our spacious, well-lit transfer area, and leave the rest to us. With one-button parking and hands-free operation, our robotic parking garage makes parking a breeze. No more searching for parking spaces or worrying about tight maneuvers. Enjoy stress-free parking at its finest.
We describe our Compact-Parker as a semi-automatic parking system. This parking system variant is suitable for gated user groups. The user moves in and around the system. The semi-automatic parking system is protected by sliding gates and can be opened with an access medium. The individual parking pallets are assigned to the respective users. For example, two-wheeler racks can also be attached to your own parking pallet.
Monitors are installed in the transfer rooms, which explain every single step in easily understandable pictograms. If you do have a question, you can contact our competent customer service team by telephone. The telephone number is displayed on the parking systems.
The vehicle is parked on the parking pallet and has no further contact with the parking system. Our parking systems are specifically based on this parking pallet technology.
Depending on where your vehicle is located in the parking system, the return time may vary. As a rule, your vehicle will be ready for departure in the handover area within a few minutes. We make parking a safe, feel-good experience and save you the long search for your vehicle in dark underground garages. Check your E-Mails or call your granny for 2 or 3 minutes while waiting!
Your vehicle is even parked extra safely with us: sensors protect your vehicle as soon as you drive in and ensure the correct position on the parking pallet. The parking process will not start without this check. Rim marks caused by scraping kerbs and damage to the car's paintwork caused by other vehicles are also a thing of the past. As there is no movement of people in our parking systems, your vehicle and your valuables are also specially protected. Your vehicle is also safe from the influences of weather such as snow, rain or hail.
With our special devices, motorcycles can also be parked on the parking pallets.
The maximum vehicle dimensions are 2.17 m x 5.25 m x 2.00 m (W x L x H) (= app. 7.12 ft x 17.22 ft x 6.56 ft). Please contact us for further options.
Absolutely yes! In terms of sustainability, our aim is to increase the number of ev-charging options and drive forward the energy transition. Together with our partner for ev-charging infrastructure, we offer a comprehensive model. Get in touch with us!
Our automatic parking systems can be integrated both underground and above ground, as well as combined or free-standing in a building. However, a parking system can also be installed as a stand-alone object without reference to other buildings.
stolzer parking systems can look back on 30 years of experience. We have designed our systems in such a way that we can guarantee continuous operation safely and permanently. The professional maintenance and quality assurance of our parking systems by our competent service staff is a key part of this reliable operation.
Due to the purely electric movement within our parking systems, a constant supply of electricity is required. Emergency power generators are integrated in areas with an unreliable power grid.
We have taken precautions in the unlikely event of this happening. Please call our hotline, the telephone number is displayed on the parking system. We will send a technician immediately so that you will be able to keep your appointments.
Our oldest parking system has been in operation for over 25 years. It also achieves over 1 million cycles without any problems.
With an optimum ratio of the number of parking spaces to the SRU, the price could start around 18,000 euros.
Our semi-automatic parking system is priced below this. Let's also talk about the life cycle costs of our parking systems compared to conventional parking facilities!
Quite obviously the use of space and the reduction in life cycle costs. While conventional parking facilities require at least 25 - 30m² of space per parking space, we manage with approx. 40 - 50% less space for one parking space. Parking the vehicles in the rack also increases the volume utilization. In addition, the classic operation of the parking facility is no longer necessary and this is reflected in the economic efficiency. As there is no movement of people outside the transfer room, there is no need for cleaning, winter maintenance, lighting, signage, technical building equipment (such as ventilation etc.), emergency call systems etc. in the parking spaces. Another advantage from the user's point of view is certainly that you no longer have to move yourself and your vehicle through the often dark parking facility. The rims remain intact and the customers remain in the light.